

"Fenwick's tradition of comradery and value of community is like no other," said Mr. Zelm, who directs the school's jazz and pep bands.
1. 你的教育背景是什么?

Bachelor of Music in Music Education (DePaul 2007)
M.S.Ed. 教学技术(NIU 2022) 

2. What did you do prior to becoming a teacher at Fenwick?

Before Fenwick, I primarily taught music at ChiArts and FXW in Chicago. I directed Jazz Combos and taught Brass Technique at ChiArts (Chicago High School for the Arts) between 2015-2019. I also built up and directed the FXW (Frances Xavier Warde) Middle School Band from 2012-2019. I always had a studio of trombone and low brass students as well from various public high schools, 包括乙, EGHS, 奈尔斯和西缅因. 

3. 你现在喜欢读什么书?
“The Creative Act: A Way of Being” by Rick Ruben. Mr. Ruben says that one of the purposes of life is to "create" and I couldn't agree more. 创造性的机会就在我们身边. You just need to know w在这里 to look and be open to new ideas all the time.
4. What interests do you pursue outside of the classroom?

我仍然是一个自由的长号手. I actively perform and record with LowDown Brass Band as well as other various Chicago groups. One weekend I may be lucky enough to perform at Ravinia and the next I may be playing with a local wedding band. 一切都很有趣! Besides performing music, I enjoy spending time with my family. My wife and I are raising two beautiful girls and life is filled with joy and all-day activities. 我确实会尽量挤出时间骑自行车!

5. To what teams and/or clubs did you belong as a student?
I've been a dedicated band student since 5th grade. 乐队是我成长过程中的生命. I knew from early on that music was all I wanted to do. I had a natural talent for the trombone but  the instrument also showed me early on the importance of hard work. 天赋只能帮你走这么远. 我最亲密的朋友也参加了乐队. 今天我和这些朋友仍然很亲密. 音乐是艺术,但也是社区. Playing music brought me great joy as a young person and it still does to this day. 音乐也充满了惊喜和冒险. 没有什么比得上它. 

6. Which clubs/sports/activities do you run at Fenwick?

我指挥esball世博活力乐队和爵士乐队. Both bands have a robust after school schedule with performances at football games, 篮球比赛, jazz festivals and Fenwick community events like the Blackfriars Gala. The Jazz Band is returning for its third annual performance at Berwyn's famous music venue Fitzgeralds on March 6! I'm also developing a Jam Session Club this year, which is exactly how it sounds. Students gather to explore music through improvisation. 换句话说,我们卡住了!

7. What quality/characteristic marks a Fenwick student?

esball世博的学生互相照顾. I've taught at a variety of schools over the years, but Fenwick's tradition of comradery and value of community is like no other. Students 在这里 support each other in all endeavors. 我每天都看到它. 这是一件美妙的事情.

8. 今天的学生面临着什么样的挑战?

I hope students don't get too distracted by living a reactionary lifestyle that is primarily focused on social media and digital experiences. Take a break from the socials and focus on creating something new. 不管那是一幅画, 一首歌, 或者一顿美餐, we all need to open up our creative receptors and see what we can make for the world. 

9. When did you decide to become a teacher, and why did you choose this field?

音乐使我走上了教学的道路. 音乐和教学是密不可分的. To be a learner of the music, you must also be a teacher. The best musical artists pass on what they know to the next generation of artists. 所以教书是一个很自然的选择.

10. What personal strengths do you find especially helpful in your teaching?

我是个很好的倾听者. 一个好的音乐家也必须是一个好的倾听者. I believe good listening skills are essential when teaching. 学生和教室总是在变化. A good teacher can grow and evolve by listening to the needs of the students. 我每天都试着记住这些. I also have a high tolerance for sound, which is good for band directors.

11. What is the greatest success you have had in teaching?

The greatest success happens every year when the band performs at the final concert.  This final performance provides the opportunity to reflect on the musical growth the bands and students experience in one year.  Every Fenwick Band experiences a unique musical journey that is full of successes and challenges. It's quite special and I hope my students hold on to these musical experiences for a long time.
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