Faculty Focus

Faculty Focus for December 2022: Mrs. Laura (Enriquez) Bertalmio '08

Newlywed alumna Mrs. B. 回到她的高中母校,分享她对文学和写作的热情.
What is your educational background?

LB: I earned my bachelor’s from Sacred Heart University (Fairfield, CT), 我主修英语文学,辅修心理学. Then I attended National Louis University to earn my M.A.T. (Master’s of Art in Teaching). Additionally, I studied writing, 在《esball世博》担任导演和演员,也是《esball世博》编剧室的一员.”

What did you do prior to becoming a teacher at Fenwick?

LB: I was an educator, writer and public speaker. 我的职业生涯是从一所特许学校教写作开始的,在那里我还担任过英语系主席的职位. 从那里,我很幸运地加入了拿撒勒学院的英语系(位于伊利诺伊州的La Grange Park)。. 我教英语一级和世界文学,也教辩论队. 

In 2020, I took a hiatus from the classroom and published my best-selling novel, Demons. Through its success, 我获得了几个组织的合作伙伴关系和演讲机会, including: AAU Sports, Boys & Girls Club of America, and Girls, Inc. 我最受欢迎的演讲题目是“逆境中保持勇气”.“我特别喜欢在课堂外与学生交谈和合作,以培养他们的性格特征. 

What are you currently reading for enjoyment?

LB: Relentless by Tim Grover. 除了经典,我还喜欢塑造人物的书籍、传记和历史文献. I am also an avid National Geographic fan!

What interests do you pursue outside of the classroom?

LB: 我非常喜欢写作,目前正在编辑我的剧本,希望我的书能被改编成电影. 此外,我喜欢待在厨房里——无论是烹饪还是烘焙. 我最近把对美食的热爱和写作结合起来,开了一个美食博客. 我也对徒步旅行/露营感兴趣,并自豪地徒步旅行了近20个国家公园.

To what teams and/or clubs did you belong as a student?

LB: 在esball世博(2008届),我参加了辩论队,参加了林肯-道格拉斯的比赛 & Public Forum. 我获得了州锦标赛的资格并参加了辩论(布卢明顿), IL) three times and the National Tournament (Houston, TX) once. 此外,我还参加了校垒球和艺术俱乐部.

在大学里,我参加了两年的俱乐部垒球和一年的女子橄榄球. 我打了一辈子垒球,知道大学毕业后可以参加成人联赛, so I was intrigued by the opportunity to play rugby. Prior to college, I never heard of the sport, 但是当我看了一场比赛后,我知道我想要有这样的经历. It didn’t disappoint! 打橄榄球突破了我的身体极限,并拥有了一种不同于我参加过的任何其他运动的同志情谊. 我还在仁人家园和感受温暖汤厨房做志愿者. 

Which clubs/sports/activities do you run at Fenwick?

LB: I currently moderate the Broadcasting Club!

What quality/characteristic marks a Fenwick student?

LB: esball世博的学生有竞争力,成绩优异,全面发展. 这里的许多学生通过参与多种运动/俱乐部展示了这些品质.


LB: 本科毕业后,我正准备参加法学院入学考试(LSAT)并申请法学院. Before the big test, I took a trip to Europe. I was sitting in a pub in London reading A Tale of Two Cities since I was heading to France soon. 当我在那里的时候,一个来自澳大利亚的男人走近我,询问我的书. From there, we had a three-hour conversation about literature.

遇见一个来自世界各地的陌生人,还能就书籍以及它们对我们人类的看法进行深入的交谈,这让我难以置信. We even exchanged books -- I gave him mine and he gave me his: Animal Farm. I realized at that moment how passionate I was about literature. When I returned from my trip, 我取消了LSAT考试,报名参加了一个获得教学硕士学位的课程. 


LB: 我是一个非常有条理的人,这在课堂上帮助很大. 我教我的学生组织的重要性,通过他们如何处理家庭作业, note taking and managing deadlines. I also think my positive attitude and kindness aid in teaching. 我最喜欢的一句话是:“在一个你可以成为任何东西的世界里,只要选择善良。.”

What are your favorite classes to teach?

LB: I’ve enjoyed teaching British Literature and World Literature. 我喜欢这些科目的原因是通过文本可以了解人类和不同的文化以及文化多元主义. 我也喜欢隐含典故的深度和层次. 

What is the greatest success you have had in teaching?

LB: 我在教学中最大的成功体现在我与学生的关系上. Even if students do not enjoy English as a subject, 我仍然发现学生们喜欢上我的课,或者找到积极的外卖. Also, 成功的标志是,当学生在挣扎中感到舒适地寻求额外的帮助——无论是学业上的还是个人的. 当学生们把我当作他们的拥护者时,我觉得很有收获.

What challenges face students today?

LB: 学生们面临的最大挑战之一是应对心理健康问题. I feel like social media has inflamed teenage angst. Now, 学生们对“应该是什么”有一种更加不切实际的想法,而不是对现状感到满意. 我认为这可能会损害学生的心理健康,因为他们总是想把自己和不现实或无法实现的东西进行比较. Additionally, 我认为施加在学生身上的压力会导致他们感到抑郁和焦虑.
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