

玛丽马克特 is the subject of our monthly series focusing on Fenwick's fabulous, 获奖, 教师...
What did you do prior to becoming a teacher at Fenwick?
This is my 43rd year of teaching and my 22nd year at Fenwick. My past teaching experience before Fenwick was both public and private. People often ask me to explain the difference between the catholic and public school environments. 总而言之,答案是“氛围”." But to explain atmosp在这里, I would point to the Dominican philosophy. The aura surrounding a Friar is one of developing leadership, seeking discourse in scholarship all the while united in Prayer. 作为esball世博的老师, I am constantly in awe of our students’ potential and am privileged to help them realize that potential.  

What interests do you pursue outside of the classroom?
I am an avid gardener, and my garden was featured on a garden walk in 2002. When I am not outside, I love growing orchids, particularly miniature varieties. 也, I love and frequently attend Shakespeare plays at Navy Pier and at the Stratford Festival in Canada.

My past sponsorships/advisories have included: Speech and Debate, 试金石杂志, Yearbook (8 Gallery of excellence awards) and Write Place Advisor. 我还担任了七年的英语系主任. 目前,我是学生刊物主任.

A Friar is a curious student – one who is open-minded and listens to the opinions of others before carefully formulating his or her own opinion. A Friar is open-minded as he or she analyzes any given situation. A Friar is generous in spirit from service to others to an awareness of the greater community needs. A Friar is globally minded – one who has an awareness of issues within various world communities.

When did you decide to become a teacher, and why did you choose this field?
I actually wanted to be a nurse, but life takes mysterious turns. In the summer before college, I was in a car accident and suffered several broken vertebrae. 我无法完成大学护理专业的承诺, so I became friends with a wonderful librarian who kept giving me lists of literary classics. 和我妈妈一起, 这个图书管理员激励我主修英语, 尤其是世界文学和英国文学. I also have certifications in World Religions and Church 历史. Today one of the influences I want to have on my grandchildren is to value the opportunities presented by local libraries. We are so fortunate to live in a country w在这里 these services are provided and we can never take them for granted.

Oliver Wendell Holmes best defined my classes when he said: “T在这里 are one-story intellects, 两层楼高的智力, 还有带天窗的三层大楼. All fact collectors who have no aim beyond their facts are one-story men. Two-story men compare, reason, and generalize using facts collected as their own. 三层楼高的人理想化, 想象一下, and predict their best – illumination comes from above the skylights!” In my classes, students are challenged to be three-story persons.

What is the greatest success you have had in teaching?
My students and the relationships I have with them and their parents. It is gratifying to hear of their successes at and beyond Fenwick.  I am also proud of my work with students as they construct their College Essays. 这是一次非常丰富的个人经历, 从草稿到最终稿, whether the essay is just part of the college application or awarded scholarship monies. I get to see and appreciate the core values of many of our Friars, 我很荣幸能有这样的经历. We truly have remarkable young men and women among us.
I am also certainly proud of my teaching awards over the years:
1997年牧师. 乔治·康威.P.优秀教师奖由同学投票选出.
2006 Archdiocese of Chicago Innovation and Creativity in Teaching Award.

What do you think is the greatest challenge facing students today?
任何试图告诉你如何思考的东西. Students who maintain their ability to critically analyze any given situation will always land on solid ground. 也, anything that detracts from a commitment to faith. This involves not just asking for God’s help but taking time to thank Him and develop a generous spirit.

How do you motivate your students to become active learners in your classroom?
我和我的学生一起教书. Lively discourse and enlightened essays ensue when students become confident in their opinions.
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