Student Support Systems

Learning Resource Program

关于 The Learning Resource Program

学习资源计划是为有能力取得学业成功的学生设计的, 但在进入esball世博提供的严格的大学预科课程时,需要个性化的支持. Students are accepted into our program in various ways. 第一个, some students come to us with an existing IEP, 504, 或者根据具体诊断详细说明学术住宿的合格专业计划. 第二个, 一些学生在esball世博的时候从私人心理学家那里得到了新的诊断, 精神病学家, or other qualified medical professional. 第三, 一些学生是我们附近的公立高中(橡树公园和河森林高中)完成的案例研究筛选的一部分。. The aforementioned information is gat在这里d and reviewed. Eligibility for services is then determined. 符合条件的学生获得住宿作为学术成就计划的一部分. The Learning Resource Program staff, along with the students’ class counselors, 通过教授新的学习策略和终身独立,帮助数百名学生充分发挥他们的潜力, time management, and organizational skills. ​


  • Provide a supported learning environment for our students;
  • 为学生提供策略,提高他们的自我辩护技巧和自尊;
  • Provide students with strategies that will increase academic and organizational skills in each area of study; and
  • Foster respect for diversity as outlined in the Gospels.

Support Services Provided

  • 在esball世博,符合住宿条件的学生可以在所有评估中获得50%(1.5倍)的延长时间,并在教室内获得优先座位;
  • ACT、AP、PSAT和SAT的各种考试设施;
  • A structured study hall emphasizing proper organization and executive functioning strategies; and
  • 目前,大约有100名学生有资格在esball世博住宿.

Uses of 技术

  • 学习资源教室配备了一个Clevertouch数字白板.
  • esball世博是一所1:1的iPad学校,学生们使用一些应用程序来帮助学习
    • Organization;
    • Time management;
    • 学习技巧;
    • Written expression with use of speech-to-text features; and
    • Reading comprehension with use of audio and text-to-speech features.

Meet the Experienced Staff

List of 2 members.

  • Photo of 格蕾丝 大卫

    格蕾丝 大卫 

    Learning Resource Coordinator
  • Photo of 凯尔 Kmiecik

    凯尔 Kmiecik 

    Learning Resources Coordinator
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