

作为校园部主任. May guides Fenwick students through retreats, service projects and the preaching team.

Born and raised in Springfield, Missouri, I attended Springfield Catholic High School as a teen. I received a Bachelor of Arts in Theological Studies from Saint 路易 University. Then I earned a Master of Divinity degree from the University of Notre Dame.

What did you do prior to becoming a campus minister at Fenwick?

Before I worked at Fenwick, I taught freshman theology at Notre Dame College Prep for three years. Prior to that, I was the Director of Religious Education at Immaculate Conception-St. 芝加哥的约瑟夫·帕里什.


为了好玩, I am reading “The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society” by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie B箭头s. I am currently working towards a certificate in Spiritual Direction, and for that program I am reading “Spirituality for Seekers: Reflections on the Spiritual Exercises of St. 罗杰·海特的《esball世博》.


I love spending time with my family, especially my husband and my daughters, ages four and eight. We love to take trips to the zoo, aquarium, or area forest preserves to hike and bike. 我也喜欢阅读、烹饪和烘焙. 今年夏天, we will take our first family camping trip (wish me luck) and I look forward to using my stand-up paddle board at nearby lakes.


I attended Springfield Catholic High School in Springfield Missouri. 在高中时, 我打排球, basketball and belonged to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes club. 我还在校外上了骑马课.


我与牧师共同主持讲道小组. 克里斯托弗•约翰逊. 


Fenwick students are dedicated, focused and compassionate. I get the honor of organizing the 基督教服务 Project in which junior students complete 30 hours of service. 每年 I witness students grow into people of compassion through these service projects. 学生们自愿辅导年幼的孩子, 在食品分发处工作, 改造房屋, 教主日学课程, 在当地教堂提供帮助, 还有更多. 每年, our students inspire me to be more compassionate to the poor and vulnerable in our community. Fenwick students inspire me to focus on my goals through dedication and hard work.

When did you decide to work in education, and why did you choose this field?

In college I participated in an Internship and was placed at a middle school in St. 路易. It was a Nativity-Miguel model (similar to the Christo-Rey model of schooling), 我喜欢和学生们建立关系. 我意识到教育的力量可以改变生活. This experience inspired me to learn more about working with young people and pursue higher education so that I could give my best to students.

What personal strengths do you find especially helpful in your work?

我是一个热情、快乐、有条理的人. 给别人温暖听起来可能很奇怪, but to me it's about making other people feel comfortable and at ease in my presence. 谈论宗教和灵性可能很难, and it’s important for students to feel comfortable to have conversations about faith. I am a joyful person and that enthusiasm is really important for retreats! Being organized is also essential for managing the service and retreat programs. We have many students and many details to track - I love color coding!


I feel most proud during the month of May when junior students participate in exit interviews for the 基督教服务 Project. Students speak about making connections with community members in ways they never expected. I find it most rewarding when I hear a student talk about a new perspective, understanding or appreciation in their life as a result of their service project. I work hard to cultivate community partnerships so that students can have positive and meaningful service experiences, and so hearing student reflections about service is my biggest success. 


I think the biggest challenge facing students today is loneliness. 作为人类, we have a need to belong and it can be so hard to find belonging while also still figuring out your own identity. Friendship is important for all people, no matter their age. 虽然我们在技术上比以往任何时候都更加紧密相连, the art of relationship building is something we need to actively work on in order to help young people belong to strong communities. 在校园事工中, we say we are “with you on the way” because we hope that all students will feel welcomed and accompanied through their high school years.
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