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Fenwick hosts a number of events each year aimed at engaging the Friar family and building our community. These events take place at Fenwick, in the surrounding community, and around the country.



  • 服务活动

    全年, the 分威青年校友会 hosts a number of service events at which alumni and friends can give back to their community. These opportunities include volunteering at Ronald McDonald House, 工作自行车组织,and more.
  • 船巡航

    The 分威青年校友会 will host its annual boat cruise on Lake Michigan on July 18, 2024.

  • 社交和网络活动

    The 分威青年校友会 plans meet ups and networking events throughout the year.
  • 亚利桑那校友聚会

Each year the institutional advancement office collaborates with our wonderful affinity groups to support a number of special events.


  • The Dr. Jerry Lordan Freshmen Family Mass and Picnic

    Each August at the beginning of the school year, the Fathers’ Club hosts a welcome mass and picnic for all incoming freshmen and their families. 

    esball世博的 母亲的俱乐部 and 父亲的俱乐部 regularly host events throughout the school year to provide social and service opportunities to current and former Fenwick parents.  



  • 豪利特杯酒会

    esball世博的 Bar Association co-sponsors a reception prior to the Howlett Cup. The Howlett Cup is a mock trial competition for Chicago-area Catholic high schools. Members of the Fenwick Bar Association are invited to socialize and network prior to rooting on the Fenwick mock trial team during the competition.
  • 获奖者午宴

    esball世博的 Bar Association honors a member of the Fenwick community for meritorious service to the legal profession at the annual 获奖者午宴. Join us on Friday, November 3, 2023.
  • 网络事件

    Date TBD.
    Discounted ticket price for law-school students.


每年, Fenwick asks local businesses to sponsor our events in order to raise funds for tuition assistance for deserving students. 一次又一次, they have supported us and our students, helping to ensure our children receive an excellent education. As our community faces a difficult road ahead, it’s our turn to lend a hand and help them weather this storm.

Below is a list of the businesses who have served as recent sponsors of the Blackfriars联欢晚会, 修士经典高尔夫郊游, 火炬传递高尔夫郊游, 和体育. 在接下来的几周和几个月里, while being respectful of local government orders to maintain social distancing, we strongly encourage you to give your business to the sponsors listed below. Together we’ll get through this, and we’ll be a stronger community because we lifted each other up.

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